“I have written eleven books, but each time I think, ‘uh, oh, they’re going to find out now. I’ve run a game on everybody and they’re going to find me out.’”
On the one hand it could feel defeating to realize that everyone is running around thinking that they’re about to be revealed as a fake, but what I’ve decided is that it is one big humongous relief to realize that I’m not the only one. And what’s even better is that you can learn to minimize the impact of fraud moments so they don’t prevent you from believing in your capabilities.
Here are a few things you can do to strengthen your fraud resistance:
| Choose to end self-criticism and judgment. Your inner mean voice is always on the lookout for sensitive trigger points; listening to it is the surest way to feel inauthentic.
| Give yourself permission to succeed!
| Being wrong or making a mistake doesn’t mean you’re a fake. Things don’t always go the way we hoped, so when this happens to you own it by taking 100% responsibility for it—then get yourself back on course.
| Build your own network of trusted supporters. These important people are your self-doubt safety-net and can include colleagues, family members, and friends… anyone who will be there for you unconditionally, without adding to the downward spiral.
If living a fulfilled, energized, and meaningful life is important to you, and you want to join other women who feel the same, click this link to register now and save your spot for Stepping into Possibility.
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