The result of these false perceptions is that we push our own care to the bottom of the list… and then pay a price for it. Here are some of the signs that tell you when your self-care needs attention:
| Rollercoaster Moods and Higher Stress Levels
When you are running on empty even the small bumps in life can feel insurmountable. You are more likely to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and negative… no fun!
| Increased Difficulty with Relationships
One of the most interesting things that happens when we aren’t feeling grounded and well-rested is that we become increasingly irritated by the people around us. Mannerisms and comments that would normally go unnoticed (or even be seen as endearing) suddenly become the equivalent of fingernails on a chalkboard. The reality is that if your batteries aren’t charged it’s impossible to be deeply present and connected to the people you care about.
| Lower Productivity
Brain fog is a plague to us all, and if you are exhausted and worn out there is no way your mind will be as clear as when you are fully energized. If you want to stay focused and decisive you must give your mind excellent nutrition, time to rest, and stillness.
| Increased Illness
It is unrealistic to think that skimping on sleep, eating poorly, and continuing to push ourselves to go, go, go without a break won’t eventually catch up to us.
Self-care is not frivolous and it is not an option … it is essential! Choose at least one thing you will do for yourself every day.
- Eating one super healthy, veggie packed meal a day.
- Going to bed 30 minutes earlier.
- Reducing the time you spend in front of electronics (including but not limited to your phone, TV, tablet, and computer).
- Take 5 minutes of stillness, preferably outside.
- Go for a walk.
And remember everyone around you benefits when you make the time to recharge!