Fortunately the answer is none of the above. The reason we don’t achieve what we want is because we haven’t taken the time to set ourselves up for what I call inevitable success. If you truly want to achieve your goals here are a few of the elements you need in place:
- Get a crystal clear vision for what your goal looks like when you’ve reached it.
- Include specific details for what gets to happen for you when you achieve your desired outcome. How will you feel, what will you be doing or not doing?
|Unwavering Commitment
- Take 100% personal responsibility for making it happen.
- No blame game, no excuses, no complaints! As Yoda says ‘Do or do not, there is no try.’
- Every successful goal is backed by commitment, dedicated focus, and consistent action. Make a plan and stick to it.
- Keep the steps to your goal simple and doable. The more complicated and involved your requirements become the less likely you will achieve what you want within the timeframe you’ve set.
|Inspiring the 'Why'
- Goals can feel far off and unreachable at times. By connecting daily to your reason(s) for wanting to reach your goal you keep your motivation fresh and active.
| Bonus Tip: Accountability
- People who establish some sort of accountability for themselves are 76% more likely to reach their goal than those who do not.
If one of your goals is to start the new year feeling light, clear, and energized but aren’t sure where to start I have the solution! Beginning on January 15th I will be leading a fun, fast ‘7 Day Sugar Smackdown’ which will leave you looking and feeling fabulous. Save $30 by joining now…simply click this link for full details.